
The company

ShamItec is a limited liability company (LLC) founded in 2015, Russian Federation. ShamItec is an international company with passion for innovation in the area of healthcare computer information systems. We create software products and provide solutions for both individual and enterprise level for healthcare professional. We believe that making high quality and easy to use healthcare software products that are available anytime & anywhere (desktop computers, notebooks, tablets, smartphones, and even Smart TVs) would contribute to a enhancing people's well-being.

Our Vision

To avail computer information systems to the healthcare sector as well as to the pharma industry and academia wherever such system are lacking or non-existing. This endeavor will be extended to provide such systems to ordinary individuals in a simple language to enable them find answers to question related to the safety of drugs administered to them.


To ensure safer and more effective management of drug therapy by minimizing the preventable medication errors ensuing from drug-drug interactions and to assist healthcare professionals in prescribing the right drugs or combination of drugs.


The transformation of information pertaining to drug-drug interactions into an integral part of the wider scope of human knowledge in the domain medicines and therapy. Apply the hitherto known pharmacokinetic science to healthcare setting through mathematical computer applications in a thorough fashion. Also, establish new mathematical grounds for pharmacokinetic situation that have not been adequately dealt with in the prevailing scientific literature.
